Thursday, March 24, 2011

Even atheists can grasp that

The town that I live in welcomes you with a sign that says "No racism in our town." Presumably one might think that with that greeting this would be a liberal, open-minded town where people are at least accepted as people regardless of their beliefs, and race would not even be a factor. Sorry. As human beings, we need to realize, and overcome the fact that there are things that make us different in the way we appear to each other. We, as human beings, have different ideas on how to get things done. Some ideas are more aggressive, even to the point of violence, than others. The most important thing to remember as fellow humans is that we all share the same ideas of what is right and wrong. These ideas have been refined throughout human history. I will be so bold to say that they are spiritual. I will also be so bold to say that science has a role in those same spiritual concepts. I don't mean to imply that spirituality more important that science or the opposite, but, as so many people have tried to do before, they can collaborate to prove, as much as it can be proven to a person, that there is a right and wrong.

The town I live in has racism, sexism, religionism (if that is a word), and whatever else that might have a root from hatred and ignorance. That is not unusual. That is the way of the world and the way it has been for as long as history has been recorded. Fortunately, more human beings have come to learn, unfortunately the hard way, what is right and wrong--but sometimes, as most of us know, that is what it takes.

I believe it was Andy Warhol who said that the '90s would make the '60s look like the '50s. Well folks, this is the 21st century. The world is in at least the beginning, if not already, WWIII. There are political, cultural, religious, social, technical, and I could go on about the revolutionary things that are happening on this planet now. It seems like everyone who wants change wants the same basic thing(s) which is no more fighting, for one. Who wants to fight? Who in their right mind wants to hurt somebody or hurt someone else? I think people would like to avoid that and find a solution to avoid that. Unfortunately, we as human beings have not found that solution yet.

This is what I have to offer as a solution. It is an oldie, but a goodie. It sounds difficult and dangerous, but it's really very simple, easy, and it never fails. The answer is love. That is something that has been taught throughout human history in various spiritual (notice I didn't say religious) texts. Even atheists can grasp that. 

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